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  5. Your Journey to School and Community Events – Pedestrian Safety Activities

These activities educate and raise awareness of the dangers encountered as a pedestrian. If you travel to school daily by walking, cycling or, as a passenger, you must always be alert and aware of your surroundings to ensure that you stay safe. These activities include educational activities for individuals with developmental and other disabilities and their families to achieve their desired quality of life by promoting and supporting full community inclusion, community membership, independence, productivity and social participation.

Be Safe, Be Seen

Wear something bright, fluorescent (by day) and reflective (by night).

Not paying attention could result in a serious collision that could cause devastating consequences for you, your friends/family, and the whole school community.

Your Journey to School – WalkingDisabilities Awareness

  • Always use the footpath, where available.
    Walk on the inside of the footpath, away from the edge of the road.
    If there is no footpath available, walk on the right hand side of the road, facing oncoming traffic.

Do Not Get Distracted!

  • Stay alert when on or near the road, especially as a pedestrian.
  • Do not let anyone, or anything distract you and remain alert at all times.
  • Avoid using a mobile phone when crossing the road.
  • Do not wear ear/headphones so you can hear vehicles.

Disabilities Awareness

We can achieve acceptance of persons who are different than us and that differences in others is a natural and desirable part of life. A good place to start is to include them in activities, assist your new friend when needed and remember “People First Language”.

People First Language is easy to Learn - people come first before their disability. If we use words that put the disability before the person, we tend to only see the disability, not the many characteristics that make up the person.

Here are examples of positive phrases and negative phrases. Note that the positive phrases put the person first.

Positive Phrases Negative Phrases
A person who uses a wheelchair
A person with mental retardation
A person who is deaf; hearing disability
A person who is blind; vision disability
A person who has multiple sclerosis
A person with cerebral palsy
A person who is unable to speak
A person with a disability
Wheelchair bound, confined to a wheelchair
The blind
Retarded person
Suffers a hearing loss, the deaf
Afflicted with MS
CP victim
Dumb, mute
A disabled person handicapped
mp4Pedestrian Motion Graphics Video - Walking Safely
Size 9.95 MB


Safe Kids Worldwide is a global organization dedicated to protecting kids from unintentional injuries, the number one cause of death to children in the United States. Throughout the world, 1 million children die of injuries each year.

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