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Quentin Blake’s Clown is a half-hour animated special that brings to life the adventures of a little toy clown who has been thrown away. On Christmas Eve, Clown goes on an exciting journey to find a new home for himself and his friends. PBS Special
Barack and Michelle Obama - Executive Producers - Netflix’s ‘We the People,’ This series of ten animated music videos brings musicians and directors together to remix civics for a new generation. Netflix Video Playlist
Following the aftermath of the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol, “American Reckoning – A PBS NewsHour Special Report” looks at the economic and racial history that led to a political divide between Americans, the impact of President...
Author and journalist Christine Pride shares her humble opinion on why it is important to seek out friends of different races.
5 tropical cyclones are in the Atlantic at the same time for only the second time in history. The only other time there were five active tropical cyclones -- hurricane, tropical storm and/or tropical depression -- in the Atlantic was in 1971. The...
The city has a similar population to several states, its hundreds of thousands of residents lack any say in national lawmaking, and its local government is uniquely vulnerable to being strong-armed by Congress and the federal government. Simply...
Among those protesting police brutality in the US, there is a slogan that’s taken hold: “defund the police.” The key idea is a push to move the billions of dollars we spend on police in the US, to social services and other public spending....
Officers have shown up to protests with riot gear, armored trucks, and military rifles. This is what America’s police now look like, and it’s the result of a decades-long buildup of military equipment among the country’s police departments....
Real ID is almost here. A few months from now, your regular state-issued driver’s license won’t be enough to get you through airport security. In other words, if you want to board an airplane after October 1st 2020, you’ll need to bring a...
Antarctica is losing ice at an accelerating rate. How much will sea levels rise? The frozen continent of Antarctica contains the vast majority of all freshwater on Earth. Now that ice is melting at an accelerating rate, in part because of climate...
2019 Annual Global Wealth Report released - 0.9 percent now own nearly half of the planet's $361 trillion in wealth - U.S. added 675,000 new millionaires. Overall, the report shows the world's millionaires now own a combined $158.3 trillion, or...
Natural Habitat Adventures and World Wildlife Fund have teamed up to arrange nearly a hundred nature travel experiences around the planet, while helping to protect the spectacular places we visit and their wild inhabitants. Request a Catalog!...
