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  3. Blender 3-D Films
  4. Blender 3-D: Road Raisins

This is an animated short film project made by second year 3D-animation students, Anniina Pykäri. This film was made using Blender, a free software application for animation Blender is one of the most popular Open Source 3-D graphics applications in the world. Blender is a 'Free Software' and you can download the latest version at Blender.org

Read More: Blender.org

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mp4Road Raisins
Size 6.12 MB

  • Flash Player and Non-Flash Player
  • iPhone | iPad | Android | Blackberry | Playbook |Tablet | Desktop | Laptop
  • Firefox | Chrome | Internet Explorer | Safari | Opera

The content is free of known copyright restrictions under U.S. copyright law.  publicdomain
