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  5. Faux Paw Meets the First Lady

How to Handle Cyberbullying

Do you know what you should do if someone says something mean or untrue about you online?

New Release: Faux Paw Featuring PDF eBooks and Narrated Videos

What about if it happens to one of your friends? Learn what Faux Paw finds out when she meets former First Lady Laura Bush.

Faux Paw the Techno Cat

Faux Paw is an adventurous six-toed, Web-surfing cat that loves having fun with her friends. Sometimes, she runs into trouble while being on her computer and while playing video games. Certainly, she’s learned one thing over the years: the internet is like a big city, with a lots of possibilities! That means it is important to learn how to use it safely and follow the rules.

Read More: iKeepsafe.org

mp4Video - Faux Paw Meets the First Lady
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