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  3. Blender 3-D Films
  4. Blender 3-D: Big Buck Bunny

Big Buck Bunny (code-named Peach) is a short computer animated film by the Blender Institute, part of the Blender Foundation. Like the foundation's previous film Elephants Dream, the film was made using Blender, a free software application for animation made by the same foundation. It was released as an Open Source film under Creative Commons License Attribution 3.0.

Blender is one of the most popular Open Source 3-D graphics applications in the world. Blender is a 'Free Software' and you can download the latest version at Blender.org

Read More: Blender.org

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mp4Big Buck Bunny HOT
Size 62.78 MB

  • Flash Player and Non-Flash Player
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  • Firefox | Chrome | Internet Explorer | Safari | Opera

The content is free of known copyright restrictions under U.S. copyright law.  publicdomain
