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  3. Blender 3-D Films
  4. Blender 3-D: Yo-Frankie Game

Blender Institute game is free and open source. The player controls evil rodent Frankie, who explores the forest seeking for other animals to harass. This film was made using Blender, a free software application for animation Blender is one of the most popular. Open Source 3-D graphics applications in the world. Blender is a 'Free Software' and you can download the latest version at Blender.org

Read More: Blender.org

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mp4Yo Frankie 3-D Game
Size 22.1 MB

  • Flash Player and Non-Flash Player
  • iPhone | iPad | Android | Blackberry | Playbook |Tablet | Desktop | Laptop
  • Firefox | Chrome | Internet Explorer | Safari | Opera

The content is free of known copyright restrictions under U.S. copyright law.  publicdomain
